Best Beers for Those Who Don’t Like Beer

There are many things in life that are deemed an “acquired taste”: coffee, oysters, anchovies, and most importantly, beer. Most Americans classify beer into two groups — light colored bubbly stuff and dark colored bubbly stuff — but there is so much more to beer. If you haven’t found a beer that you enjoy yet, don’t worry, we have you covered and will guide you to a beer that will give you the proper introduction. For any questions you have about a beer dispenser system, be sure to contact the experts at SC Beverage today.

What Is Beer?

Before we get started on a style of beer that you may like, lets dive into a quick history lesson of where beer originated and what it’s become today. Beer is one of the oldest alcoholic drinks, dating back to the times of ancient Egypt, and is considered the third most popular beverage. In America, the big breweries such as Budweiser, Miller, and Coors, dominated the market for most of the 20th century; however, in the 1970’s, America saw the emergence of smaller breweries called craft breweries. Since then, they have become huge components to the beer industry in the 21st century. With all these craft breweries coming into existence, there is an environment that has fostered experimentation, innovation, and variety. It is now easier than ever to find a beer that you will enjoy since there are so many different styles. For more information on a beer dispenser system, contact SC Beverage.

If You Are A Fan of Wine

Many people may believe that wine is the antithesis of beer: it is not carbonated, it’s aged, and it’s more highbrow. It may surprise all the wine drinkers that there is a beer style that would compliment their palate. Lambics are a style of beer that incorporates fruit, and has almost nonexistent malt or hop flavor. These beers are very similar to wine, and can be sweet or tart depending on what fruit is used. This is a good transitional beer for wine lovers. Once you get comfortable with lambics, you could venture a little further into the fruit beer realm, where the malt and hop elements of beer are incorporated a bit stronger. Many breweries are known to take lighter styles of beer, and add fruit to give a sweeter undertone that’s perfect for beer lovers. Finally, if you want to tread into the most unique style of beer that falls within the fruit subgenre, you can try sour beers. This style tastes nothing like traditional beer, and can be quite intense. Sours are similar to wine because the taste can change with age, but it is definitely tarter than most wine drinkers are used to.

If You Are a Fan of Coffee

A stout or porter may seem intimidating, but that big glass of dark liquid is actually pretty delicious. Stouts and porters use oats, coffee, chocolate, or a combination of these ingredients to get their signature taste. If you are a fan of the bitter taste of coffee, then these two styles may be your beer of choice. Many porters and stouts are usually on nitro, which means that nitrogen is used to create the carbonation rather than carbon dioxide. Essentially, this means that you are getting a less carbonated beverage with a smoother texture that mimics coffee. There are even variations called milk stouts that utilize lactose to make it sweeter. In one glass, you can be getting dessert and coffee.

If You Are A Fan of Herbs And Spices

Saisons, or more commonly referred to as farmhouse ales, have a very unique flavor that is more earthy and herbal in flavor than orthodox beer. Because each style of saison utilizes different herbs, spices, zests, and other rustic ingredients, each one is uniquely different. It may take a few tries to find the exact one you enjoy most, but the journey is half of the fun.

Ultimately, there is no wrong answer when it comes to beer; what you like is what you like, and you don’t need to conform to what anyone else says. There are many styles of beer on the market, so be adventurous and you might find your next favorite drink. SC Beverage can help you with any beer dispenser needs you may have once you find your perfect beer.

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Best Summertime Beers

The days of extremely hot weather are in full swing and by now, you have most likely had the urge to sit out by the pool and crack a cold one. With the summer months come countless barbeques, backyard hangouts, pool parties, outdoor activities, and trips to the beach or lake. Nothing pairs as well with a hot summer day as a nice, cold beer, but you may not know specifically what beer style pairs best with the heat. We got you covered because here are the top beer styles to quench your thirst this summer. For those bigger gatherings, or for restaurants and bars, be sure to contact SC Bev to discuss their beer dispenser systems.

Lagers and Session Ales

These two styles will always be in the forefront of the summer beer drinking list because of their smooth, crisp flavor and characteristically low alcohol percentage. These styles are the most inviting for those who are unfamiliar with the craft beer scene, and perfectly compliment a day lounging in the pool. Because these two styles are easy to drink and don’t have a high alcohol content, they are the best for those long, all day parties. In fact, session ales get their name because their purpose is for the beer drinker to have multiple in a single time period, or session, without becoming intoxicated. While Corona is a household name that falls into this style of beer, there are many lesser known options that have much more flavor. Be sure to check out your local breweries and liquor stores to see what unique lagers they may have in stock, and for any beer dispenser systems needs, be sure to contact SC Bev for more information.

Fruit Beers

Bringing back the nostalgia of biting into a cold, sweet slice of watermelon as a kid, a very popular style of beer for summer is ales that incorporate fruit. The sweet flavor of the fruit mixed with the refreshing taste of a cold beer is by far one of the best drink options to quench your thirst this summer. Some popular fruits to add to beer are mango, pineapple, blueberry, watermelon, blood orange, and grapefruit; ultimately, any fruit can be utilized to create a unique, new flavor to other beer styles.

India Pale Ales

India pale ales, or IPAs, are among the most popular styles of beer in the craft beer community. IPAs are extremely versatile, and can be given unique properties depending on the strain of hops that is used for the beer. Ranging from extremely piney to mild citrus characteristics, IPAs are one style where you will eventually find one you love. The newest craze, and the most appropriate for summer, is the hazy New England style IPA, which offers a more tropical trait than other IPAs. This is a perfect balance of mild fruit undertones with a body that quenches the largest thirst.

Wheat Beers

If fruit in your beer is a little too sweet, but you still don’t like the hoppy aromas that IPAs offer, wheat beers may be the perfect decision for you. This style is meant to be easier to drink, and the hoppy flavors and aromas are typically low. During fermentation for wheat beers, there are unique flavors that you won’t find in other beers because of the process. The flavor profile from these fermentation by-products are commonly described as reminiscent of banana and clove.

Be sure to get the most out of your summertime beer drinking experience by trying some of these styles at your next barbecue or pool party. Remember to always drink responsibly, and if you need any information regarding beer dispenser systems, contact the knowledgeable staff at SC Bev by clicking here.

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Best Winter Cocktails

Below freezing temps call for special cocktails. You can have your martini any time of the year. But for the cold winter months, nothing beats the seasonal and boozy goodness of winter cocktails.

The great thing about winter cocktails is that you can experiment with different types of liquors and spices to get the best-tasting concoctions all winter long. For information regarding commercial soda dispensers and beer gun systems in Los Angeles, contact SC Beverage today.

Check out these boozy drinks to keep you warm all winter.

  1. Apple Jack Sazerac

This winter drink will warm you up with the bold taste of bitters and notes of oranges and cinnamon. This version uses Rittenhouse Rye whiskey, which gives this cocktail its slight citrusy and spicy notes. As with all Sazeracs, this cocktail uses absinthe and is not for the faint of heart. Serve this in an Old-Fashioned glass to get that mid-19th century New Orleans vibe.

  1. Mexican Hot Chocolate

Booze + chocolate = marriage made in heaven! This winter concoction makes use of two entirely different ingredients, and yet, it tastes absolutely wonderful. Make the spicy hot chocolate according to package directions and then add the mescal and bitters. It’s so easy to make yet it tastes so indulgent.

  1. Orange Cinnamon Hot Toddy

If you’ve been feeling under the weather because of the cold, then the Hot Toddy should be your go-to drink. As the name suggests, this version of the classic hot drink makes use of orange instead of lemon juice. And instead of the classic whiskey, this recipe calls for rye or bourbon for a smoother cocktail.

  1. Classic Eggnog

What’s winter without the classic eggnog? A winter staple, the eggnog embodies the holiday spirit. While you can make this without booze, a little bit of rum, bourbon or brandy surely wouldn’t hurt especially in the dead of winter. Like other winter drinks, you can make your own version of the eggnog by adding spices and other ingredients.

  1. Cranberry Irish Mule

If you like the Classic Moscow Mule, you’ll surely love the Cranberry Irish Mule for winter. Instead of vodka, this cocktail uses Irish whiskey. This recipe is a slight makeover of The Irish Mule, which uses ginger beer and lime juice. Add some cranberry juice and you have a simple yet festive drink that will warm up your spirits in the winter months.

  1. Boozy Apple Cider A La Mode

Mulled apple cider is another winter favorite. But this recipe takes it up a notch with bourbon. The whipped cream on top is a nice touch, especially because it’s laced with even more booze and that’s a win in our book. If you want a stronger drink, you can add sloe gin to the mulled cider.

  1. Tanqueray Almond

Cocktail recipes don’t need to be fancy. Sometimes the simplest recipes bring the most satisfaction. Take the Tanqueray Almond, for example. All the ingredients in this cocktail require no extra work on your part — just pour and sip. The sour mix, bitters and maraschino cherries add character to this drink.

  1. Tiki Cocktails

If you’re dreaming of lounging in an oceanside cabana in the middle of winter, tiki cocktails will warm up both the stomach and the spirit. There are different versions to making your own tiki cocktail. And we say, choice your poison. No matter what ingredient you throw in, this winter-ized drink will surely transport you back to the hot summer days.

  1. Cranberry Sangria

One could never go wrong with wine, especially when it’s paired with seasonal fruits. Cranberry is a good choice for the holiday season and an excellent ingredient to add to a holiday sangria. This recipe follows the same steps as a regular sangria, with one exception: it makes use of good-quality wine, and that makes a difference.

  1. Kahlua Hot Chocolate

Who says you can’t have booze in the morning? The Kahlua Hot Chocolate says you can, and you can have it any time of the day. The recipe makes hot chocolate from scratch. You can use store-bought hot chocolate mix, but if you find it too sweet, then making your own is the way to go. Add an ounce or two of Kahlua, and you have a drink perfect for the cold winter days.

Cold days don’t have to be so dreary with these awesome winter cocktails. By changing only a few ingredients from a classic recipe, you can turn ordinary cocktails into holiday-ready drinks.

Commercial Soda Dispensers and Beer Gun Systems

SC Beverage is a leading supplier of soda dispensers and beer gun systems in Los Angeles. Trusted by various bars, restaurants and food chains, SC Beverage provides best-quality products to the food service industry.

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Top Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Stay hydrated from the inside out.

Drinking plenty of fluids and eating to hydrate maintains and replenishes water levels in your body for vital muscle, joint and organ functions, brain protection, immune health, digestion, even mood.

For more information on supplying your business with the latest and state of the art soda fountains, beer systems, and ice makers, contact SC Beverage today.

Improves Skin Tone

To keep your skin smooth and hydrated, you need to do more than moisturize to reduce the signs of aging. Stay hydrated from the inside out with 8 cups to 9 cups of water every day to help improve skin density and thickness.

Also, eat for your skin. Foods high in water content help hydrate your skin. Fruits and vegetables, such as watermelon, cantaloupe, apples, kiwi, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and carrots, are high in vitamin C and zinc, which supports the healthy production of collagen and elastin.

Promotes Cardiovascular Health

Hydration helps increase the functions of your heart. When you’re dehydrated, your blood volume decreases and your heart must work harder to pump the reduced amount of blood to produce enough oxygen to your cells.

Detoxifies Toxins and Impurities

Keeping hydrated helps improve kidney functions, used to filter waste from the blood and excrete it in urine. It also helps prevent urinary tract infections and kidney stones.

Improves Muscle and Joint Recovery

Proper hydration improves muscle contraction, which provides adequate nutrients and removes waste efficiently for higher performance and endurance. Water is also important for lubricating joints, keeping those muscles strong and increasing energy.

Promotes Weight Loss

When you stay hydrated, your body is more equipped to remove by-products of fats, reduce eating intake, reduce hunger, and raise your metabolism.

Improves Digestion

Water helps digest your food, prevent constipation, and remove waste material, making bowel movements and urination possible and comfortable.

Regulates Body Temperature

When your body temperature rises, you sweat. When your sweat evaporates, your body cools itself down and regulates a healthy temperature. Proper hydration is essential for sweating and replenishing your body’s water supply.

Improves Memory Function

Water intake improves the blood flow and oxygen flow to your brain by aiding muscle and organ functions in your body. It also strengthens cognitive function and memory with increased circulation and blood flow. Properly hydrated, your focus and concentration improve, and your state of awareness is increased.

Strengthens Immune Health

Drinking water is the best medicine and treatment for illnesses. It improves lymph fluid within the immune system and prevents headaches (migraines and back pains), joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, and lightheadedness.

Balances Mood and Emotions

Water aids in regulating body and brain functions. It also helps balance mood and emotions when your body is functioning at its best.

How Do I Get Started?

If you are in the market for any type of vending machine equipment, it is important to consider your options. Located in Whittier, CA, our team of experts is here to help you through the process. Call us at (562) 463–8918 for a free site evaluation.

SC Beverage, Inc. offers a team of seasoned veterans in the industry combined with a youthful, innovative staff who will work with you to provide what you need. With satisfied customers throughout the West, SC Beverage, Inc. is ready to serve you in providing installations and service of post-mix fountain, bargun systems, custom beer systems, along with the distribution of beverage conduit and the sales of ice makers. Contact us today for a consultation.

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Benefits of a Beverage Dispenser

If you love hosting parties and events, own a restaurant, brewery or small business, or just love beverages, a beverage dispenser is a must for your lifestyle. SC Beverage, Inc. is the leading expert in Southern California when it comes to matching your needs to the perfect beverage dispenser, as well as installing it for you! For more information on beverage dispensers in Los Angeles, contact SC Beverage today.

SC Beverage has been in business since 1999, making a name for ourselves in the food service industry. We provide some of the best quality service and products available on the market, while also providing unparalleled customer service with a team of seasoned veterans in the industry complemented by youthful, innovative staff who will work with you to service your specific needs. We provide installations and servicing of your post-mix fountain, bargun systems, and custom beer systems.

From fast-food restaurants to in-home installations, we offer whatever it is you are looking for. Our sales representatives are trained to install the perfect post-mix fountain equipment, counter electrics, drop-ins, ice combos, bar guns and juicers for your needs. Additionally, we are one of the leading installation companies in Southern California when it comes to bar coolers, DirectDraw and long draw beer systems, and brewery fittings.

Who doesn’t want an instant drink? We sure do! Here are our top 3 reasons YOU need a drink dispenser, too!

1. Save time!

By keeping your favorite drinks loaded up into your drink dispenser, you’ll save tons of time. Just grab your glass, and boom! You’re indulging in your favorite beverage in no time. Additionally, if you’re hosting friends or family and someone asks you for a drink, just steer them in the direction of your beverage dispenser and boom! They’re enjoying a beverage that they served up themselves instantly. If you own a food service business, a drink dispenser is an obvious solution to lots of problems. Save your employees time and allow them to be more efficient by either allowing customers to serve themselves, or your employees to use an efficient and easy-to-use beverage dispenser.

2. Forget about hiring a bartender

Sick of paying for someone to come mix drinks that you could have easily made yourself? Then a drink dispenser is right up your alley. With one of these dispensers, you (and your guests!) will have instant, easy access to an array of drinks that you’ve hand selected and prepared. This is perfect for any type of event where drinks will be served, from a company holiday party to a brewery opening!

3. Save money & reduce your carbon footprint!

Anyone who has hosted a party or event can tell you: there are ALWAYS dozens of half-full cans and bottles left scattered all around. Added up, that’s a lot of wasted money. When people are in control of their portion size, they’re far more likely to drink their entire beverage, which saves you both money AND waste. Pick up some reusable plastic glasses and, boom! You’re spending less time sorting your recycling and more time enjoying your life.

Beverage Dispensers in Los Angeles

Have we convinced you? Contact us for a free site evaluation for the installation of your beverage dispensers in Los Angeles. Trust us, a drink dispenser is an investment you won’t regret. At SC Beverage, we know beverages.

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