What Should You Do with Old Coffee Beans?

More than 70% of people drink coffee every day in the United States. From homebrewing coffee equipment to visiting coffee shops, one of America’s favorite beverages is coffee. No matter how you get your coffee, the expectation is that it is always fresh. However, as coffee beans age, they inevitably lose their freshness and flavor. The fragrant aroma they had prior is not what it once was. This can impact the flavor and quality of your morning cup of joe. So, what should you do with old coffee beans?

What Should You Do with Old Coffee Beans?

If you notice that your coffee beans have lost their luster, avoid throwing them out. There are so many different ways you can repurpose them and avoid waste. Consider the following ideas you can do with your old coffee beans.

Combine Your Beans

If your coffee beans haven’t expired, you can blend them with new beans. Mix old and new beans at a 1:2 ratio. Doubling the amount of new beans ensures that your coffee still tastes great. It also allows you to use the beans without having to deal with stale coffee. The new beans will provide enough freshness to ensure your coffee still tastes great. Usually, new beans with added flavor components are the best option. Another alternative is to use old beans in cold brew. This brewing method works fine with older beans.

Add To Your Compost Bin

If you are a gardener, old coffee beans are a great addition to your compost. Even old coffee beans are high in nitrogen. This is a key nutrient for healthy soil that can work wonders in your garden. Avoid throwing old beans into the compost, as they should be prepared beforehand. Grind your coffee beans and mix them with other materials in your compost for balance. This is a great eco-friendly solution that offers so many benefits.

Make Coffee-Infused Foods

Adding coffee to other foods can add so much flavor and dimension. This is true even if your coffee beans are old and lackluster. Old coffee beans are a great addition to so many different baked goods. Cake, muffins, and other types of pastries are easily elevated with the deep flavor coffee beans provide. However, they can also be used to create coffee–infused syrups for desserts or drinks. They can even be used in alcohol to make tasty liquors.

Create Air Fresheners

Even old coffee beans offer aromatic freshness. The oils in coffee beans can freshen the air in any space. You can easily make sachets filled with coffee beans. These can be placed in drawers or closets to freshen up stale areas. Some people even add the sachets to their shoes to combat foot odor. Another great place for old coffee beans is the refrigerator. If you have a large family or work in an office, deodorizing the kitchen is a must. This is a great way to repurpose old coffee beans and avoid harsh chemicals in regular air fresheners.

Create Skincare Products

Old coffee beans still have properties that are beneficial. Repurposing them into skincare products is a great way to avoid waste. You can easily make exfoliating scrubs for your body. The antioxidant and exfoliating properties make old coffee beans a great skincare product. You can mix them with coconut oil or honey. It will leave your skin so much smoother. Some even report that it reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Beverage Systems

If you are considering adding coffee equipment or other beverage systems to your restaurant, contact the team at SC Beverage today for more information!

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5 Most Popular Coffee Brewing Methods

There are many ways to consume coffee, and not all of them are created equal. At least, that’s what the trends in coffee consumption can help inform you about.

Coffee is the world’s most popular and widely consumed beverage after water and has existed for millennia as a brewed beverage. Over time, humanity’s fascination with this delicious drink has led it to refining the delivery method for this precious source of caffeine.

5 Most Popular Coffee Brewing Methods

If you’re a coffee fan and would like to stay up-to-date on some of the most popular brewing methods for this tasty beverage, take a look at this overview of the various commercial coffee makers available.

Coffee: The World’s Most Variable Beverage

One of the reasons that there are so many delivery methods for coffee is that the drink itself is highly versatile and adaptable. In addition, preparing coffee using different methods can result in a wildly different experience in terms of how the drink tastes and feels. This is one of the reasons that the drink is so popular. Some of the world’s most popular methods for preparing coffee are outlined below:

1. Pour-Over

The pour-over coffee method has gained quite a bit of popularity over recent years due to its ability to consistently deliver fantastic flavor. Pour-over coffee involves grinding fresh beans and placing them in a filter that lies on top of a porcelain or metal pour-over mechanism. Hot water is then poured over the grounds slowly, sometimes using a specialized kettle with an elongated spout. The coffee then seeps through the filter into one’s cup.

2. French Press

The French Press is another very popular method of consuming coffee. French Presses are great for groups of people or for parties. The concept underlying a French Press is relatively simple. Coffee is placed at the bottom of a glass cylinder, followed by boiling water. After the water is poured into the container, the coffee is left to steep for a few minutes. After this, a mesh press is clamped down, which presses the coffee grounds to the bottom of the beaker, leaving only the fresh brew to enjoy.

3. Standard Drip

Standard drip machines have been largely sidelined in recent years due to the plethora of other methods that have become available in recent years. That being said, their utility and commonality have ensured that the standard drip machine has a place in society’s heart.

A staple piece of diners and coffee shops, drip machines like the iconic Mr. Coffee electrically boil a large amount of water and run it through a filter, filling a large pot that can deliver many different cups of coffee.

4. Espresso

In many ways, espresso needs no introduction. Pound for pound, espresso may be the world’s most popular method of coffee delivery. Part of this is due to the fact that this remains the most popular – and sometimes only – method of drinking coffee in certain parts of the world, such as Latin America and Europe.

Espresso is also the most complex method of preparing coffee, and properly constitutes a culinary art in itself. Developed in Italy in the early 20th century, espresso utilizes specialty espresso blends of coffee packed into a highly complex rigging of machinery. Espresso machines have many moving pieces, but generally utilize boiling water and steam to create a variety of different beverages.

5. Aeropress

The Aeropress is a relatively new source of coffee preparation, albeit one that is gaining traction as a popular choice. An Aeropress utilizes a simple yet sophisticated contraption that presses a tasty cup of coffee for interested parties. In addition, the Aeropress has developed into a convenient coffee brewing method for those who tend to travel frequently. Even individuals who are camping or backpacking can easily pack a durable Aeropress into their pack and enjoy high-quality coffee wherever they go.

Which Type is Right for Me?

The type of brewing equipment that you decide to go with will oftentimes be somewhat dependent on your mission in terms of preparing coffee. Most commercial spaces will opt for brewing methods that are effective at delivering high volumes of coffee to large numbers of people, such as espresso machines or drip coffee. If you just have a personal setup, an Aeropress or pour-over might be most appropriate.

Southern California’s Beverage King

SC Beverage is a regionally trusted coffee equipment supplier for all things beverage. If you’re interested in updating the equipment of your restaurant or are simply an at-home enthusiast or entrepreneur, contact us today to discuss whether or not we have what you need to get the ball rolling on your ideas.

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