How to Balance Cost and Sustainability in Coffee Packaging

Though the rising demand for sustainable products is a positive step for the well-being of the environment, it does pose a challenge to some businesses. Those in the coffee industry, in particular, face an increasing challenge to balance eco-friendly packaging with cost efficiency. Eco-friendly packaging is a significant factor in lessening the environmental footprint of a business, something that will benefit the larger society. Meanwhile, affordability is a crucial factor in staying competitive and keeping your business alive. Balancing these is a big challenge, but it can be done. If you are trying to balance cost and sustainability in coffee packaging and beverage systems, here are some strategies you can try without compromising product quality and brand identity.


How to Balance Cost and Sustainability in Coffee Packaging

To understand how to balance cost and sustainability, you must first have a decent understanding of sustainable coffee packaging. Sustainable coffee packaging refers to materials and designs with the minimum environmental impact. Talk about biodegradable, compostable, recyclable, and reusable options. The entire life cycle of the materials—from sourcing to production to disposal—is also taken into consideration. 


Common Eco-Friendly Materials:

Kraft Paper: These are recyclable and degrade within a few weeks.

Compostable Films: These are made from renewable materials like sugarcane, cornstarch, and cassava.

Recyclable Plastics: These are plastics that can be recycled and made into new products multiple times.

Reusable Containers: These are metal tins and glass jars that customers can use to refill their coffee products.


Challenges of Sustainable Packaging

Because of the increasing awareness of the problems caused by environmental degradation and climate change, it should not be hard to convince people to choose sustainable practices. However, many coffee businesses are faced with challenges.

Higher Material Cost: Eco-friendly materials are usually more expensive than conventional plastic materials.

Durability Issues: Some biodegradable materials may not be able to give the same level of protection as plastics to keep coffee fresh.

Limited Availability: The sourcing of sustainable packaging is sometimes challenging and can lead to supply chain issues.

Lack of Consumer Knowledge: Not all customers know how to properly dispose of sustainable packaging. When it comes to sustainable packaging, businesses should balance cost and sustainable goals. Here are strategies to do that.


Cost-Effective Strategies for Sustainable Coffee Packaging:


Choose the Right Materials

Look at your budget and sustainability goals, and then, with these in mind, choose the best materials.


Mix Materials

You can mix recycled content with traditional packaging. This practice can bring down costs and still improve sustainability.


Use Lightweight Options

Lighter materials can bring down shipping costs and reduce your business’s carbon footprint.


Look for Local Sources

Local sources may offer better pricing options, cost less to ship, and reduce transportation emissions.


Optimize Packaging Design

Efficient packaging design can lower the cost.


Reduce Excess Packaging

Complicated designs may result in unnecessary layers and bulk. Make sure that your packaging design is attractive yet uncomplicated.


Right Size Packaging

Minimize waste by ensuring that your packaging is just the right size for the amount of product it will hold.


Multi-Use Design

Consider how else your customers can use the packaging. Design your packaging wisely. Make it attractive and functional so that customers will choose to keep and repurpose it. In a world that is concerned with sustainability, more and more customers support brands that are taking steps towards this goal. This can help improve brand loyalty while reducing waste.


Bulk Purchasing and Supplier Partnership

Buy in bulk to lower your cost per unit. Consider partnering with suppliers who are also focused on sustainability. They may be able to give you better pricing, which can result in long-term savings.


Implement Refill and Return Programs

Encourage your customers to return or refill their packaging through a deposit-refund system and discounts for refilling coffee bags or jars.


Level Up Your Customer’s Coffee-Drinking Experience

Through creativity and innovation, coffee retailers can balance cost and sustainability practices in their packaging. If you are in the coffee business and would like to level up your customer’s coffee-drinking experience, contact us about our coffee equipment so you can get that perfect piping cup of hot coffee every time. After all, no matter how well-thought-out the packaging is, it is still that delicious coffee inside the cup that matters.

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What Should You Do with Old Coffee Beans?

More than 70% of people drink coffee every day in the United States. From homebrewing coffee equipment to visiting coffee shops, one of America’s favorite beverages is coffee. No matter how you get your coffee, the expectation is that it is always fresh. However, as coffee beans age, they inevitably lose their freshness and flavor. The fragrant aroma they had prior is not what it once was. This can impact the flavor and quality of your morning cup of joe. So, what should you do with old coffee beans?

What Should You Do with Old Coffee Beans?

If you notice that your coffee beans have lost their luster, avoid throwing them out. There are so many different ways you can repurpose them and avoid waste. Consider the following ideas you can do with your old coffee beans.

Combine Your Beans

If your coffee beans haven’t expired, you can blend them with new beans. Mix old and new beans at a 1:2 ratio. Doubling the amount of new beans ensures that your coffee still tastes great. It also allows you to use the beans without having to deal with stale coffee. The new beans will provide enough freshness to ensure your coffee still tastes great. Usually, new beans with added flavor components are the best option. Another alternative is to use old beans in cold brew. This brewing method works fine with older beans.

Add To Your Compost Bin

If you are a gardener, old coffee beans are a great addition to your compost. Even old coffee beans are high in nitrogen. This is a key nutrient for healthy soil that can work wonders in your garden. Avoid throwing old beans into the compost, as they should be prepared beforehand. Grind your coffee beans and mix them with other materials in your compost for balance. This is a great eco-friendly solution that offers so many benefits.

Make Coffee-Infused Foods

Adding coffee to other foods can add so much flavor and dimension. This is true even if your coffee beans are old and lackluster. Old coffee beans are a great addition to so many different baked goods. Cake, muffins, and other types of pastries are easily elevated with the deep flavor coffee beans provide. However, they can also be used to create coffee–infused syrups for desserts or drinks. They can even be used in alcohol to make tasty liquors.

Create Air Fresheners

Even old coffee beans offer aromatic freshness. The oils in coffee beans can freshen the air in any space. You can easily make sachets filled with coffee beans. These can be placed in drawers or closets to freshen up stale areas. Some people even add the sachets to their shoes to combat foot odor. Another great place for old coffee beans is the refrigerator. If you have a large family or work in an office, deodorizing the kitchen is a must. This is a great way to repurpose old coffee beans and avoid harsh chemicals in regular air fresheners.

Create Skincare Products

Old coffee beans still have properties that are beneficial. Repurposing them into skincare products is a great way to avoid waste. You can easily make exfoliating scrubs for your body. The antioxidant and exfoliating properties make old coffee beans a great skincare product. You can mix them with coconut oil or honey. It will leave your skin so much smoother. Some even report that it reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Beverage Systems

If you are considering adding coffee equipment or other beverage systems to your restaurant, contact the team at SC Beverage today for more information!

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Top 3 Reasons People Drink Coffee

Did you know that coffee is the second most popular beverage in the entire world, coming in just under tea? There are plenty of reasons why this dark and hot drink continues to be so popular. Many people like it because it helps them wake up in the morning, while others find it comforting to drink something warm on a cool day. But what is it about coffee in particular that keeps us coming back for more? Let’s see the top 3 reasons people drink coffee.

Top 3 Reasons People Drink Coffee

At your local California beverage company, our experts are wondering the same thing. What makes coffee so special? Today, we are going to share our research and talk about the top 3 reasons people drink coffee on, what is for most of us, a daily basis.

Coffee is a Familiar Routine

Most of us like to grab a hot cup of joe when we first wake up and brush our teeth. Not only do we see coffee as a big source of energy (thanks to the high levels of caffeine that are found in all non-decaf roasts), but we also find it to be something comforting that we can wake up with during the earlier hours of the day. If it’s too warm outside to brew a piping hot drink, you can always pour your coffee over ice, as it is almost as popular iced as it is hot.

Coffee is a Social Thing

Many cultures around the world view drinking alcohol as a cultural event, using social activities as a reason for good beers and tasty brews. Similarly, people view coffee as a sign of socialization. With a number of locally-owned and brand-name coffee shops on any given city street, these cozy corners have become social hubs for all different types of activities. Many people choose to attend business meetings or even go on romantic dates at the coffee shop.

Social coffee drinking is so popular that articles have even been written in defense of why coffee is the best first date idea. It’s a versatile drink that can be made in so many different ways and combined with so many different ingredients, so there is bound to be something at a coffee shop for everyone to enjoy.

Coffee is Good for You

This might come as a surprise, but coffee actually has quite a few positive health benefits. Everybody knows that caffeine can offer a boost of energy to get you through your day, but doesn’t it also cause a crash? How can coffee also be healthy?

Coffee beans themselves end up packed with vitamins and nutrients that you consume when you sip on the brewed coffee drink. The average coffee bean has great substances like potassium, magnesium, and riboflavin, which are all known to reduce symptoms of diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Parkinson’s Disease. Not to mention, these vitamins also help to reduce the risk of cancer by strengthening the body’s energy levels.

Get Top-Notch Brewing Systems for Your Restaurant Today

Coffee remains the lifeblood of many. And it stays a staple to have at just about any place that serves food and drinks. If you find yourself looking to set up shop and establish a reputation as the next best cozy coffee corner in town, you will want to get your hands on a few of the best commercial coffee makers and equipment. Without a reliable source of coffee, your menu may fall short. Coffee is too important to too many people to risk not having any available for your customers.

Have more questions about selling coffee and using commercial brewing equipment? Our SC Bev experts are here to help. Get in touch with our pros online or visit us in person to learn more about your commercial brewing options ASAP.

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Top Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the United States and for a good reason. While coffee and other mild stimulants should always be used in moderation, coffee also has a number of benefits that you can take advantage of on a daily basis. Here we have the top health benefits of coffee.

Top Health Benefits of Coffee

So if you’re wondering whether it’s worth spending the money on a commercial coffee maker for your restaurant, then take a few minutes to think about how you and your customers can benefit. These top health benefits are just the beginning.

Increasing Immediate Energy

Regular coffee is a source of caffeine. Caffeine is technically a drug that behaves as a mild stimulant. As a result of drinking coffee, you can expect your energy levels to perk up within an hour. Of course, to avoid a crash, it’s also important to eat a healthy meal that will provide more gradual energy as the caffeine wears off.

Correlation to a Lower Risk of Type II Diabetes

We need further studies, but preliminary research suggests that each cup of coffee you drink per day translates to a roughly 6% reduction in the risk of developing type II diabetes. In controlled scenarios, specific elements in coffee have shown the ability to affect the function of beta cells and insulin sensitivity.

A Useful Weight Management Tool

There have been a few studies that suggest regular coffee intake may affect the way we store fat and may promote gut health. Both of these changes seem to correlate to a slightly lower body fat percentage in the average coffee drinker. When in comparison to people who do not regularly consume coffee.

Of course, black coffee proves most effective with this approach. Does your coffee-based drink of choice has higher sugar or saturated fats? Then your coffee habit could also have the opposite effect. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you will still need to follow a reasonable diet and exercise routine.

Decreased Risk of Depression

Caffeine is a stimulant, which may be the reason it is associated with a slightly decreased risk of depression. However, this could be a double-edged sword. If consumed to the point of creating caffeine dependence, caffeine usage could have the opposite effect when you don’t have easy access to caffeine.

Fortunately, caffeine dependence isn’t usually associated with drinking a few cups of coffee per day. It typically takes quite a lot of caffeine from multiple sources to achieve that effect. With that said, do you regularly experience headaches as a result of skipping a caffeine boost? Then you may want to taper back a little.

May Decrease the Risk of Liver Damage

Much of the research surrounding the benefits of coffee require further corroboration. But the research into coffee’s ability to decrease the risk of liver disease is well-supported. People who have risk factors for liver disease may directly benefit from regular coffee consumption.

Coffee Could Potentially Increase Your Lifespan

There exists a lot of scientific research focused on the interactions between caffeine and our major systems. The research is well-funded due to popular curiosity and economic interests. With that said, much of the research into the interactions between coffee and our bodies is positive and can be replicated.

Evidence from these studies suggests regular, moderate coffee consumption may have positive health benefits for your:

  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Gut
  • Pancreas
  • Liver

As a result, it is fully possible that coffee may be linked to increased overall longevity when additional factors are accounted for.

The health benefits of coffee clearly aren’t the only reason to include coffee on your restaurant menu. But it is clear that they don’t hurt. If you would like to learn more about providing a coffee service to your patrons, Southern California Beverage Company can help.

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Why You Need Water Filters in Your Restaurant

If you want to run a successful restaurant business, don’t make the mistake of skipping out on water filters. Water filters are a crucial part of keeping your equipment clean, serving the highest quality food and beverage, and preventing waste and unnecessary repair costs.

Not All Taps Are Created Equal

After being seated, the first items you are greeted with at any restaurant are menus and water. Water is always a part of the meal — whether you choose to drink it or not, it is undoubtedly being used to cook or sanitize your meal. While most tap water is safe to drink, it’s not always the healthiest. Guidelines for safe water drinking are often overlooked and contain harmful contaminants that can affect your health and mental well-being. In addition, if your restaurant is in an old building, the pipes that hold your water may also be old. Out-dated pipes run a higher risk of lead contamination. It’s important that you ensure the safety of your guests by making sure their water is free of chemicals and bacteria. Adding an extra layer of protection with water filters in Los Angeles does the job of making sure your water is safe and clean. Fresh tasting water is also always a sign that a restaurant is sanitary, setting the customer at ease by providing reassurance that their food will be sanitary too.

Water Is Used Everywhere

Not only is water used for beverage consumption, it’s also used for cleaning, cooking, and filtered through other machinery to make ice or coffee. In a restaurant it is the staff’s job to ensure all tables are wiped down before guests are sat and that all visible areas are free of clutter and mess. Often restaurants will avoid using cleaning sprays, as they contain chemicals unsafe for consumption, and will instead apt to use water and sometimes a little sanitizer. A clean table is essential to providing the best dining experience. If someone is seated at a dirty table, or a table that was wiped down but still omits a rather pungent stench, you are already painting a picture of uncleanliness for your customers. Using water filters in Los Angeles ensures that tables are being cleaned effectively and efficiently.

Protecting Your Machinery & Saving You Money

Water filters are not only imperative for tap water, but also the many machines that are used to run a restaurant.


Ice is not made on its own — it needs water! Ice is used to chill the cocktail your customer just ordered, fill other beverages, and keep food cold. The same taps that are used in your water system are also used to make ice. Using a water filter for your ice machine clears any possible bacteria from forming and keeps your machine working more efficiently. Without harmful chemicals weighing it down, ice machines produce ice more quickly, use less energy in its production, and tend to have a longer shelf life.


Coffee machines, from a simple drip brewer system to an espresso machine, all require water. In either scenario, to produce a cup of coffee or espresso, water is pushed through a filter filled with coffee grounds. The taste and cleanliness of that water undeniably affects the taste of the coffee. Therefore, water filters are crucial to making a clean, delicious cup of coffee. Without them, sediment buildup can cause coffee machines to break down or create a bitter flavor in your cup.

Repairs and Replacement

Often restaurants that don’t use water filters in Los Angeles end up having to purchase new equipment earlier than expected. Using a water filtration system can prevent you from these unnecessary expenses and keep your machinery running longer and stronger.

Ensuring the health and safety of your customers is just as important as impressing them with a delicious meal. Both are a part of providing a memorable dining experience and both should be highly considered. Using water filters is a reliable way to guarantee the safety of your guest’s health and protect your restaurant from avoidable, excessive costs. Here at SC Beverage, we pride ourselves on the quality of our service and products and would like to help you do the same. Contact us to find out more on how water filters can add to the success of your establishment.

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