Top Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the United States and for a good reason. While coffee and other mild stimulants should always be used in moderation, coffee also has a number of benefits that you can take advantage of on a daily basis. Here we have the top health benefits of coffee.

Top Health Benefits of Coffee

So if you’re wondering whether it’s worth spending the money on a commercial coffee maker for your restaurant, then take a few minutes to think about how you and your customers can benefit. These top health benefits are just the beginning.

Increasing Immediate Energy

Regular coffee is a source of caffeine. Caffeine is technically a drug that behaves as a mild stimulant. As a result of drinking coffee, you can expect your energy levels to perk up within an hour. Of course, to avoid a crash, it’s also important to eat a healthy meal that will provide more gradual energy as the caffeine wears off.

Correlation to a Lower Risk of Type II Diabetes

We need further studies, but preliminary research suggests that each cup of coffee you drink per day translates to a roughly 6% reduction in the risk of developing type II diabetes. In controlled scenarios, specific elements in coffee have shown the ability to affect the function of beta cells and insulin sensitivity.

A Useful Weight Management Tool

There have been a few studies that suggest regular coffee intake may affect the way we store fat and may promote gut health. Both of these changes seem to correlate to a slightly lower body fat percentage in the average coffee drinker. When in comparison to people who do not regularly consume coffee.

Of course, black coffee proves most effective with this approach. Does your coffee-based drink of choice has higher sugar or saturated fats? Then your coffee habit could also have the opposite effect. To maintain a healthy lifestyle, you will still need to follow a reasonable diet and exercise routine.

Decreased Risk of Depression

Caffeine is a stimulant, which may be the reason it is associated with a slightly decreased risk of depression. However, this could be a double-edged sword. If consumed to the point of creating caffeine dependence, caffeine usage could have the opposite effect when you don’t have easy access to caffeine.

Fortunately, caffeine dependence isn’t usually associated with drinking a few cups of coffee per day. It typically takes quite a lot of caffeine from multiple sources to achieve that effect. With that said, do you regularly experience headaches as a result of skipping a caffeine boost? Then you may want to taper back a little.

May Decrease the Risk of Liver Damage

Much of the research surrounding the benefits of coffee require further corroboration. But the research into coffee’s ability to decrease the risk of liver disease is well-supported. People who have risk factors for liver disease may directly benefit from regular coffee consumption.

Coffee Could Potentially Increase Your Lifespan

There exists a lot of scientific research focused on the interactions between caffeine and our major systems. The research is well-funded due to popular curiosity and economic interests. With that said, much of the research into the interactions between coffee and our bodies is positive and can be replicated.

Evidence from these studies suggests regular, moderate coffee consumption may have positive health benefits for your:

  • Brain
  • Heart
  • Gut
  • Pancreas
  • Liver

As a result, it is fully possible that coffee may be linked to increased overall longevity when additional factors are accounted for.

The health benefits of coffee clearly aren’t the only reason to include coffee on your restaurant menu. But it is clear that they don’t hurt. If you would like to learn more about providing a coffee service to your patrons, Southern California Beverage Company can help.

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Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee

As coffee lovers, we could spend pages waxing poetic over how to make the perfect, painstaking brew. However, for a busy restaurant, cafe, or bar that simply isn’t practical. It’s time to talk about coffee pragmatically.

Making the Perfect Cup of Coffee

Let’s look at what elements you can put together to create the best cup of joe without locking one employee in place for 5-10 minutes at a time to serve just one customer. In the end, all you really need is the right coffee, the right machinery, and clean water.

The Right Coffee

Investing in high-quality fair-trade coffee doesn’t have to break the bank. Most major coffee brands have boarded the fair trade train, ensuring that the people who produce and harvest your coffee beans are appropriately compensated. Among these brands, you can find every variation of roast and flavor, offering ample opportunity for you to find just the right coffee(s) for your establishment.

In addition to choosing fair trade coffee beans, always opt for whole bean coffee. As long as you store your coffee beans in an airtight container, you will be able to use them for about a month without losing much flavor. By comparison, ground coffee rarely holds its flavor for more than a day or two even when properly sealed. Choosing whole bean coffees offers higher quality and better shelf-life, so it’s a win-win situation.

The Right Machinery

To make the perfect cup of coffee without turning it into a laborious enterprise, you will need three primary components.

Burr Grinders

To grind whole bean coffee, you will need a burr grinder. Blade grinders are a bit cheaper, but they chop the beans rather than evenly grinding them down. A burr grinder crushes the beans, which helps to express their full flavor profile. It’s a must for anyone serious about making quality coffee. In many cases, one grinder is enough. However, a cafe may want to have two, so one of them can be designated for decaffeinated coffee.

Commercial Coffee Makers

To serve a room full of under-caffeinated guests, you’ll need machinery that’s up to the task. Commercial coffee makers make that part easy. They are typically drip-style coffee machines, which offer a relatively fast and effective brew.

When you’re shopping for commercial coffee makers with Southern California Beverage systems, always look into the brew speed and the temperature of the water. Ideally, you want the brew to take about five minutes and the water to be between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit.

A Built-in Water Line Complete with Filter

You can always filter your own water using a filtered jug, but this can be time-consuming when you’re busy. Purchasing a commercial coffee maker that connects to your water line and includes a built-in filter is just easier on a daily basis. Whichever way you decide to do it, just make sure you’re exchanging your filters as suggested by the manufacturer.

Clean Water

As stated above, hot, filtered water is absolutely essential to properly brewing coffee. If the water is below 195 degrees Fahrenheit, then it is unlikely to activate the grounds properly, resulting in less flavorful coffee with a more bitter taste. If the water is unfiltered, then minerals and other impurities will alter the flavor profile of your coffee.

In the long run, your filtration system can’t provide clean water for you without a little help. Depending on your manufacturer’s instructions, parts of your coffee making machinery will have to be cleaned every day, while others may only need monthly cleaning. Sticking with these prescribed cleaning schedules ensures that your coffee will be as safe and delicious as your patrons deserve.

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