What Are The Differences Between Draft and Bottled Beer?

A glam shot of a beer barrel and beer bottle surrounded by green fruit to represent the differences between draft and bottled beer.

People have very strong opinions about their beer preferences. Often, beer drinkers are loyal to a specific type and brand. However, another factor can play into people’s choice of beer: whether it is draft or bottled. You may not know the differences between draft and bottled beer. In this guide, you will find information about the unique differences between the two types.


What Are The Differences Between Draft and Bottled Beer?

If you have ever had a draft or bottled beer, you may have noticed the differences between the two yourself. They each provide a different taste and feel as you enjoy them. Draft beer is served from a keg, a large container that holds beer. The beer gets from the keg to your glass through a tap system. Draft beer is commonly consumed at bars or restaurants. On the other hand, bottled beer is packed in a bottle. Unlike draft beer, bottled beer is what most people are most likely to drink when they are at home.



One major reason draft and bottled beer taste different is the packaging. Draft beer is often kept in stainless steel kegs. The steel kegs keep out light and air, which improves the flavor and quality of the beer. They are also often installed by experts in beverage equipment installation and servicing, which ensures optimal flavor and quality. 

Bottled beer is bottled in various colors, including clear, green, and brown. This allows the beer to be exposed to light, which can negatively impact its flavor. For bottled beer drinkers, it is best to store their beer in a dark, cool, and dry space.


Storage and Temperature

Another factor that separates draft beer from bottled beer is the way it is stored, with special attention to temperature. Draft beers are kept in keg beer systems that are constantly cool. The beer inside the keg is also protected from light, which ensures its quality once it is poured.

Bottled beer can be stored in various conditions, which ultimately impacts its quality once it is cracked open. When transported, bottled beer can be exposed to light and warm temperatures. The change in temperature can impact the taste and cause the beer to spoil faster.



Carbonation makes a considerable difference in beer and many other drinks. The bubbliness evokes freshness and stimulates the taste buds. Draft beer is carbonated differently than bottled beer. It has excellent carbonation because its method of creation utilizes carbon dioxide in the keg and tap process to provide a more uniform and consistent taste.

Bottled beer does not have consistent carbonation levels, likely because of how it is bottled or stored. Consequently, this inconsistency impacts the taste of the beer, sometimes even within the same brand. 


Beverage Equipment Installation and Servicing

Owning or running a bar or restaurant can be overwhelming. The last thing you want to worry about when your establishment is packed is the quality of your beverages. From soda to beer, having fresh drinks that taste great is important. The team at SC Beverage has been in business for decades and has worked with some of the top companies in the industry, including Coca-Cola. Contact them today for any of your beverage equipment needs! 

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